Students’ chapter of Indian Water Works Association (IWWA)
- Date of opening of IWWA Students’ chapter : 21 June 22
- Faculty Advisor: Dr. M S Kadu
- Faculty Coordinator: Dr. T. B. Gupta
- Faculty Co-cordinator: Prof. L. R. Gangwani
- Student Coordinator: Sanket Agrawal and Komal Mahant
- Student Convener: Pawan Diwale
The Activities organized under IWWA Students’ Chapter
(Session 2022-23 and 2023-24)
Inauguration of RCOEM IWWA Students’ Chapter dated 21 June 2022
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur has inaugurated a student chapter with association of Indian Water Works Association (IWWA) Nagpur Centre. IWWA celebrated this day as World Environment Day along which is celebrated on June 5th every year. The event was marked by the eminent presence of Er. Aashish Deogade sir who is serving as a chief engineer of Gosikhurd Project at Water Resources Department, Nagpur, M.H.
Dr. M. S. Kadu sir, Head of the Department, Civil Engineering, RCOEM, on this remarkable occasion of World Environment Day, explained about the importance of environment day and the legacy which has been continued for more than 50 years. No. Of Students: 55, Faculty coordinator for the IWWA student chapter of RCOEM, Dr. Tripti Gupta Ma’am & Prof. Laxmi Gangwani Ma’am were appreciated for their commendable work and efforts to start this chapter in RCOEM.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA 2022 dated 26 june 2022
Department of Civil Engineering under the banner of Civil Engineering Student’s Association (CESA) in association with Indian Water Work Association (IWWA) Nagpur Chapter, Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (ACCE) Nagpur Chapter and Bramhand Ayurveda, organized a yoga session on the occasion of INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY on 26th June 2022. To achieve a peaceful body and mind; physical and mental disciplines is an important part of life. Yoga helps in increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. It improves respiration, energy and vitality. The yoga session is organized to create awareness about the same amongst students. The session commenced with insights on Pranayama mantras by Dr. Tanuja Gohane followed by participants practicing Yogasanas under the supervision of Shri. Sahil Gaikwad of Brhamand Ayurveda.
On this occasion, Head of Department; Dr. Mahendra Kadu addressed the gathering. The session was attended and Prof. V. J. Rajurkar (Coordinator, CESA) along with other faculty members. Around 35 students of civil Engineering are participated in the session, making it a success.

BAMBOO PLANTATION DRIVE 2022 dated 30 July 2022
Nature is God’s most beautiful creation it felicitates growth, development and nourishment of all its creatures. Department of Civil Engineering under the banner of Civil Engineering Student’s Association (CESA) in association with Indian Water Works Association (IWWA) RCOEM Student Chapter organized “Bamboo Plantation Drive” on Saturday, 30 July 2022 at RCOEM Sports Campus, Dorli. The campaign’s main aim was to direct student’s mind in constructive activities with the positive outcome through the facilitation of contributing to the society and drawing attention towards issues like Global Warming. Cultivation of bamboo is the crucial element in balance of Oxygen and Carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere. The another objective of this drive to create awareness about the potential of bamboo as building material for various structures especially in buildings amongst the civil engineering student. Also to put up facts amongst the budding Civil Engineers regarding properties of bamboo as building material and can be replace with conventional building material for the sustainable development of Country.
Around 100 Bamboo samplings were planted at RCOEM Sports Complex. The event was attended by Dr. A. K. Sharma and other staff members of Civil Engineering Department. Around 40 students of CESA team participated in the drive with great enthusiasm and helped each other in planting the saplings. This eco-friendly event was conducted on social media platform (Instagram), and was a huge success. It was an effective event in the domain of Plantation of Bamboo, which is great way to reduce Carbon footprint and will help to fight against Global Warming. The photos and details can be viewed on the below mentioned social media platform under the name of @ rcoe. cesa. The program concluded by the distribution of refreshments and a final addressing by the faculty in charge Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar.

4.Guest Lecture on “Lakes of Nagpur City: Present Situation & Measures” by Mr. Mohammed Israil dated 28 September 2022
RCOEM IWWA Students’ chapter has arranged a guest lecture on the topic “Lakes of Nagpur City: Present Situation & Measures” by Mr. Mohammed Israil sir at RCOEM campus dated 28 September 2022. This event is marked as the first event under the title of RCOEM IWWA students’ chapter. Mr. Mohammed Israil sir is a consultant at Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) and has extensive study in the field of Environmental Engineering. He also has been visiting consultant in several countries for resolution of problems regarding to Environmental Engineering. He also executed several lake rejuvenations projects in and around Nagpur city.

5.Dr. A G Bhole Endowment Lecture on the Topic, “Application of Advanced and Appropriate Technology: A Case Study of 70 MLD Capacity Water Treatment Plant at Sangli, Maharashtra dated 04 November 2022
Student members of RCOEM IWWA students’ cahpter participated in the ‘Dr. A G Bhole Endowment Lecture on the Topic, “Application of Advanced and Appropriate Technology: A Case Study of 70 MLD Capacity Water Treatment Plant at Sangli, Maharashtra”. The lecture was delivered by Er. Shirish Kardile sir dated 04 November 2022. Sir is civil engineer from COEP and an owner and consulting engineer at K Consultation in Nashik. He continued the speech by explaining how unconventional technologies implementing the industry is shaping the results to great extent today. He primarily targeted Water treatment plant located in the outskirts of Sangli District in Maharashtra. This plant was made by Sangli Municipal Corporation which is one of its own kind of project which has now set an example in the entire country that how using advanced unconventional technologies can significantly contributed in the success of water problems in the same districts as well as the nearby districts. Also around 25 students from RCOEM were present for the event. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Kalpana Bhole Ma’am, Hon. Secretary, IWWA.

6.Site Visit at Godewada Water Treatment Plant dated 18 January 2023
Department of Civil Engineering in collaboration with Indian Water Works Association (IWWA) conducted a site visit to Godewada Water Treatment Plant dated 18.01.23. As a part of curriculum, the students of 2nd and 3rd (B.Tech. Civil) visited OCW, Godewada Water Treatment Plant Nagpur.on 18th January 2023 between 1:30 pm to 4.30 pm. Total 80 students (65 students of B.Tech, III Sem and 15 students of B.Tech V sem) accompanied by 4 faculty members of the department (Dr. T.B.Gupta, Dr. S.P.Siddh, Prof. V.R.Harne and Prof. L.R.Gangwani) along with Er. D Thakre (Assistant Engineer) and Er. Prakash Yawde (Assistant Engineer) explained the working, construction process related to water treatment.
This visit was organized by the Civil Engineering department so that students get exposure to the hydraulic aspects, structural aspects, technical aspects, components, mechanism and processes of water purification including aeration, mixing, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection and various other activities involved in water treatment plant. Overall visit was observed to be satisfactory. This visit gave students the knowledge about the purification of water on large scale and made them aware about the quality of water since it may affect the human health especially.
Students of 3 year B.Tech Civil, RCOEM visiting OCW Godewada Water Treatment Plant dated 18.01.23
in collaboration with Department of Civil Engineering, RCOEM and Indian Water Works Association (IWWA)

Students of 2 year, B.Tech Civil, RCOEM visiting OCW Godewada Water Treatment Plant dated 18.01.23
in collaboration with Department of Civil Engineering, RCOEM and Indian Water Works Association (IWWA)

7.Dr. P R Bhave Memorial Lecture on topic “India’s Policy on Achieving 24*7 Water Supply” and a special lecture on “Guidelines for Achieving 24×7 Water Supply.” dated 20 February 2023
The IWWA Nagpur centre held the Late Dr. P R Bhave Memorial Lecture on February 20, 2023. Everyone was briefed by Dr. Kalpana S. Bhole about late Dr. Bhave’s contributions. This wonderful lecture, on “India’s Policy on Achieving 24*7 Water Supply,” was given by Dr. M. Dinadhayalan, Advisor (PHEE), CPHEEO New Delhi, and featured a special lecture by Dr. S. V. Dahasahasra, Member NTF, Former Member Secretary, MJP, and Former President, IWWA, Mumbai, on “Modified Guidelines for Achieving 24×7 Water Supply.”
Both lectures dealt with Gol’s AMRUT 2.0 program. During this segment, they informed us about the facts and data pertaining to the Indian water sector, the Government of India’s endeavours in this area, and the benefits and significant difficulties associated with urban water delivery systems. They discussed a few policies, such as the Public- Private Partnership (PPP) recommendations on 24-hour water supply systems and the National Urban Water Supply Management Policy (NUWSM). The significance of creating GIS hydraulic models using different software is also recognized. Event was accompanied by the presence of RCOEM IWWA students’ chapter coordinator Prof. Laxmi Gupta Ma’am. Also event was successfully managed by RCOEM IWWA students’ chapter student members from third year Sahil Verma and Komal Mahant. The event was graced with presence of Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Professor, VNIT Nagpur, Er. N. M. Bangre sir, Chairman, IWWA; Dr. O. N. Mukherjee sir, Vice Chairman, IWWA; Dr. Kalpana Bhole Ma’am, Hon. Secretary, IWWA.

8.Celebration of World Water Day and expert lecture by Dr Atul N.Vaidya dated 23 March 2023.
Indian Water Works Association Nagpur Centre in association with students chapter of RCOEM celebrated occasion of World Water Day on 23 march 2023. The program was started with insightful lecture delivered by Dr. Atul Vaidya . Sir is currently serving as Director, CSIR NEERI, Nagpur. The topic of his presentation was “Accelerating change in water and wastewater management. Er. N. M. Bangre sir, Chairman, IWWA welcomed all the honorable dignitaries, guest for the lecture. Post which Dr. O. N. Mukherjee sir, Vice Chairman, IWWA introduced Dr. Atul Vaidya Sir with all the academic caricature and the vast experience which sir has gained working with prime dedication and sincerity. Dr. Vaidya sir presented his lecture related to water resource management at various levels including domestic, industrial and waste water. Lecture provided real life statistics which conveyed the need for visionary leadership at the administrative level to solve the basic issues pertaining in the society related to water. Water available must be conserved for the future generations. There is a need of an integrated approach for catering to the some severe problems in some part of the country. Policies are to be revised that were applicable to the country few years ago. Later a valedictory function was conducted felicitating the Student Members of various institutions associated with IWWA and are constantly serving for excellences in the field of civil engineering.
Mr. Pawan Diwale, a 3rd year student from RCOEM, Nagpur was given the Student Appreciation Award 2023 for his sincere work with RCOEM IWWA Students’ Chapter. Also, the event was accompanied by the presence of RCOEM IWWA students’ chapter coordinators Dr. Tripti Gupta Ma’am and Prof. Laxmi Gupta Ma’am. Also around 30 students from RCOEM were present for the event.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Kalpana Bhole Ma’am, Hon. Secretary, IWWA.

9Visit at CSIR – NEERI, Nagpur Centre dated 11.04.23
Students of department of Civil Engineering of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur (RCOEM) in association with IWWA student chapter, Nagpur visited Council of Scientific & Industrial Research- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR – NEERI) Nagpur centre dated 11th April 2023 on account of 65th CSIR-NEERI Foundation Day.
The students of 2nd and 3rd year (B.Tech. Civil) actively participated in One Week One Lab event organized at CSIR-NEERI Nagpur centre., on 11th April 2023 from 10:30 am to 4.30 pm. Total 28 students (20 students of B.Tech, III Sem and 8 students of B.Tech VI sem) accompanied by 2 faculty members (Dr. T.B. Gupta, Prof. L.R. Gangwani of the department attended the event and visited different laboratories of research centre NEERI. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute or NEERI (CSIR-NEERI) falls under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Central Government, India. It was established in Nagpur in 1958 with focus on water supply, sewage disposal, communicable diseases, Industrial pollution treatment and management . Purpose of the visit was to discuss with the Scientists on the research ideas pertaining to environmental and industrial pollution and their remedies, to understand the working of state of the art instruments being used to study research problems, to understand the opportunities available in NEERI for the students completing Graduate and Post- graduation and to understand overall working of CSIR Laboratory.
The visit started with the introduction of CSIR-NEERI at the auditorium on 10.30 am by audio visual presentation. In that audio visual section, establishment of CSIR-NEERI, overall working and recent research of CSIR-NEERI was explain. CSIR-NEERI working on sewage water treatment, Green Crackers, was also explained.
Student attended popular science lecture on ‘air environment’ by Dr. K V George, Chief Scientist and Head, Air Pollution Control Division (CSIR-NEERI), Nagpur @ NEERI Auditorium. This was then followed by Lab visits and Harit Sangrahalaya, student-scientist interaction at labs, showcasing of research projects, virtual lab etc. In harit sangrahalaya models, charts and demonstration of various projects were seen and explained by Ms. Pallavi Dange, Ms.Monika Chattre, Mr. Mohtaseen Ahmad and Aishwarya Labhe (Researcher Scholar). Model, Charts, Demonstration of experiment and instruments present in Harit Sangrahalaya are Common effluent treatment plant, Municipal solid waste plant. Low cost automatic mechanical flusher, Phytorid technology for sewage treatment, Single pass photo catalytic reactor for de-colorization of textile effluents, Solar electrode fluoridation plant, Iron removal plant, Hydroplume –high rate secondary clarifier, NEERDHUR, Green Crackers, NEERJAR. Students also visited Health and toxicity cell. Health and Toxicity Cell (HTC) has facilities / instrument are Genomics, Proteomics, cell culture and Algal culture.The visit was then moved to Technology Park (SHWMD). In Technology Park, students witnessed how solid waste i.e. garden waste converted into powdered form, process of shrinking of waste thermocol, energy from red mud waste. Mr.Tushar Sonatkee, Ms.Sapna Akre and Ms. Monika chatter explained the demo experiment about waste management i.e. converts various waste into energy and useful products. This section of waste management motivates our students to think about conversion of various waste into useful products. Overall participation and visit to NEERI campus was observed to be satisfactory. Whole educational excursion was nicely organized and students got new experience and knowledge.

10.Celebration of World Environment Day on 8th June, 2023
On the occasion of World Environment Day, I-Clean, Nagpur and IWWA in association with RCOEM student chapter, Nagpur jointly initiated a campaign at Tekdi Ganesh Temple, Nagpur on 5th June, 2023 to discourage the use of plastic. Around 15 shopkeepers were provided with cloth bags and were educated to provide any sold goods to customers in these bags. Flyers were placed in every shop to promote the use of cloth bags. Additionally, cloth bags were distributed as gifts to the visitors, while pledging to not use plastic bags thereafter. IWWA, Nagpur centre also organised an expert lecture on the topic *”Microplastics in the Environment – Is it a Cause of Concern”* by Dr Ramesh Kumar, Principal Scientist/Associate Professor of AcSIR CSIR-NEERI on 8th June, 2023.
Lecture provided insights of Microplastics in the Environment. Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that result from both commercial product development and the breakdown of larger plastics. As a pollutant, microplastics can be harmful to the environment and animal health. Some of this environmental pollution is from littering, but much is the result of storms, water runoff, and winds that carry plastic—both intact objects and microplastics—into our oceans. Single-use plastics—plastic items meant to be used just once and then discarded, such as a straw—are the primary source of secondary plastics in the environment. Microplastics have been detected in marine organisms from plankton to whales, in commercial seafood, and even in drinking water. Alarmingly, standard water treatment facilities cannot remove all traces of microplastics. To further complicate matters, microplastics in the ocean can bind with other harmful chemicals before being ingested by marine organisms.
The event was graced with presence of Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Professor, VNIT Nagpur, Er. N. M. Bangre sir, Chairman, IWWA; Dr. O. N. Mukherjee sir, Vice Chairman, IWWA; Dr. Kalpana Bhole Ma’am, Hon. Secretary, IWWA. Around 15 students from RCOEM were present for the event. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Kalpana Bhole Ma’am, Hon. Secretary, IWWA.

11.Celebration of World Nature Conservation Day 2023 and expert lecture on Integrated Water Resources Management by Er. Subhash W. Deshpande dated 20 July 2023.
Indian Water Works Association Nagpur Centre in association with students chapter of RCOEM celebrated occasion of World Nature Conservation Day 2023 on 20 July 2023. The program was started with insightful lecture delivered by Er. Subhash W. Deshpande on topic entitled “Integrated Water Resources Management”. Sir presented his lecture related to water resource management at various levels including domestic, industrial and waste water. Lecture provided real life inputs in relation to integrated Water Resources Management. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process that promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems There is a need of an integrated approach for catering to the some severe problems in some part of the country. Policies are to be revised that were applicable to the country few years ago. Later a valedictory function was conducted Around 25 students from RCOEM were present for the event. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Kalpana Bhole Ma’am, Hon. Secretary, IWWA.