Shri Chandrakantbhai Thakar
Shri Thakar is a renowned lawyer practicing in Supreme Court, High Court, and Income tax tribunals. He has specialization in income tax and has represented numerous important income tax cases. He has held the prestigious position of the President of Income Tax Appelate Tribunal Bar Association, Nagpur for several years. He is also connected with various educational institutions. He is Chairman, Trust Mandal of Shri Nagpur Gujarati Mandal which is a prime educational society that is managing various primary and high schools and colleges.
We all live in an era where science and technology is the corner stone on which the constructive build of the society rests. RCOEM, in its 32 years of existence has strived hard to make itself a real instrument of socio-economic change through innovation in technical education. This Pioneer Institution has grown to symbolize all that is best in our profession and is achieved excellence to meet the challenges brought on by globalization.