HOD - CS Cyber Security
Dr. Rashmi Welekar is working as an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) Department at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management.
She has completed her BE (1999), MTech (2007) & PhD (2020) in Computer Science & Technology. She has 18 years of teaching experience & 3 years of Industry Experience. She has published more than 35 research publications in refereed journals. She has published 3 patents and 2 copyrights. She is Certified Network Defender (Global Certification of Cyber Security domain from EC Council). She is also Certified Educator for Palo Alto Cyber Security Academy. She is Single Point of Contact for Industry Centre of Excellence for AICTE EDUSKILLS internships. She has delivered multiple guest lectures on Cyber Security Awareness including organizations like Auditor General’s Office, WCL etc.
Her areas of interest are Computer Networks, Evolutionary Computing and Cyber Security.

Dr. Rashmi Welekar
Email: hodcyber@rknec.edu