Session 2021-22

Value added course on Lab VIEW for Engineering Applications

Electronics Engineering Department of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur organized 30 Hrs value added course on ‘LabVIEW for Engineering Applications’ during 22 April 2022 to 31 April 2022. Dr. Deepali .M. Kotambkar and Prof. Snehal V. Laddha has coordinated the program and conducted sessions. The session on Arduino Interfacing with LabVIEW was conducted by Prof. S. C. Anjankar. The course received a good response from the participants from various branches. Total 25 participants successfully completed the course.

The training session has been conducted in the hybrid mode on following topics.

  • Introduction to LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Environment Controls, Building the front Panel and block Diagram.
  • Creating VIs and SubVIs, Loop and Structures.
  • Arrays, Event Driven Programming
  • Graphs and Charts, Graphics and Sound Vi
  • Labview Interlink with Proteus.
  • Using Python and LabVIEW to Solve
  • Engineering Problems
  • State Machines
  • Arduino Interfacing with LabVIEW

Photos of LabVIEW session conducted in Hybrid Mode

Infocepts Report

Report on VAC CNN


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