Textbook/ Reference books Authored/ Co-Authored by Faculty
Sr. No. | Authors | Title of the Book | Publisher | Year |
1. | Dr. Sanjay Bodkhe | Electric Motors and Transformers | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi | In Process |
2. | Dr. S. B. Bodkhe Dr. S. D. Naik Dr. D. J. Dahigaonkar Dr. S. G. Tarnekar Dr. P. K. Kharbanda | Laboratory Courses in Electrical Engineering | S. Chand & Company, New Delhi | 2013 (6 th Ed.) |
3. | Dr. Sanjay Bodkhe Prof. N. M. Deshkar | A Textbook of Basic Electrical Engineering | Professional Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur | 2008 (2 nd Ed.) |
4. | Dr. S. D. Naik Dr. N. T. Khobragade | A Textbook of Network Theory | Professional Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur | 2006 |
- Dr. S. B. Bodkhe and Dr. G. N. Goyal received RPS grant of Rs. 25 lakhs for “Investigation, development and verification of energy management strategies for hybrid energy storage system in an electric vehicle drive
- Dr. M. V. Palandurkar and Dr. V. A. Huchche received RGSTC_RTMNU grant of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs for Design of PV System Integrated with Grid Tied Inverter for Indian Grid and Operating Environmental Condition.
- Dr. P. V Kapoor, Dr. U. B. Mujumdar and Dr. G. N. Goyal received grant of Rs. 1.00 lakhs under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan scheme for “Development of Solar Powered Eggs Incubator with Battery Backup for Backyard Poultry Farming.”
- Dr T. G. Arora received travel grantofRs.1,13,58/-/from University Grant Commission(UGC) for presenting paper in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA-2017) held in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
- Dr. Uday B. Mujumdar has successfully completed the consultancy of “Development of MODBUS compliant controller and monitor for conveyor line motors” for ANIX Electronics, Nagpur. The total cost of consultancy work is Rs.88,500 /-.
- Dr. V. T. Barhate and Prof Pankaj Sawarkar has published Patent Title: – Construction of variable voltage & variable frequency alternating voltage from DC using series connected ultra-Capacitor.
- Dr. M. M Renge granted patent for an invention entitled, “Remote Condition Monitoring System For Distribution Transformer (RCMS_DT).
- 13 Faculty members are Ph.D holders and 2 faculty members are pursuing Ph.D
- Two faculty members are “Certified Energy Auditor” by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
- Four patents are applied by faculty.
- Faculty members are conferred with Distinguished Awards for the contribution in Education and Social fields.
- One Faculty member is Evaluator of National Board of Accreditation(NBA)
- Faculty members are reviewers of IEEE /IET transaction papers
- Average experience of Faculty in Education and Industry is around 21
- Faculty members contributed/contributing at various Institute level posts like Member Secretary-IQAC, Dean – Admissions, Dean International Cell, Dean R& D, Head Equivalence Committee, Prof. In-charge of Training & Placement, MIS, Campus centre, Hostel warden, SRC and NSS.
Prof.S. D. Naik from Electrical Department is Prof. In-charge of overall electrical maintenance of Institute. Electrical power distribution system is designed in department right from preparation of drawing, estimates, BOQ etc. For new proposed electrical work. This also includes the T/F substations and protection.
- The departmental faculty has been organizing Annual Mega Event “EMPOWER” for the third, final and M. Tech students of all the engineering colleges in Central India. A large contingent of practicing engineers from several multinational and national manufacturing and service industries visit the department for two days. Every company explains their latest technologies and showcases their latest products to the small group of 18-20 students every hour in round robin manner. Several industries and institutions now wait for participating in this Unique Mega Event “EMPOWER” which is conducted in February-March every year.
- The departmental faculty organizes annual “Workshop on Robotics” for participants from a large number of institutions in the region. This workshop gives first hand practice to students in developing applications in robotic field.
- The departmental faculty has developed a unique application “SGPA Planner”, which enables the students to calculate his target SGPA in the current semester in order to achieve the desired CGPA at the end of the semester. The student thus knows the extent of the efforts required in different subjects, as per his strength and weaknesses, to achieve the target CGPA at given level.
- The first year students are required to submit the “Energy Sheet” in which the student has to observe the rating and specifications of all the domestic electric appliances, note the operating time of each, calculate monthly energy consumption, study the details of tariff, calculate the monthly energy bill and compare the same with the actual electricity bill.
- Every student of third year undertakes “Industrial Visit” and develops the electrical single line diagram while noting down all the relevant technical details of various electrical components used in industrial electrical installation. This practice gives them excellent opportunity to correlate the technical knowledge earned in the classroom with that of its actual use in practice.
Faculty invited as Resource Person in other organization
S.No. | Year | Number of Faculties |
1 | 2020-21 | 05 |
2 | 2019-20 | 05 |
3 | 2018-19 | 08 |
4 | 2017-18 | 19 |
5 | 2016-17 | 06 |
6 | 2015-16 | 18 |
7 | 2014-15 | 08 |
8 | 2013-14 | 06 |