S.No. | Name of Activity | Date |
1. | Formal Installation of student society | 21/9/2021 |
2. | T & P Awareness program | 30/9/2021 |
3. | Orientation Program for newly joined 3rd sem students | 10/12/2021 |
4. | Workshop on “Fundamentals of Circuits and Systems” | 10-16/12/2021 |
5. | Seminar on “ Developing Career path” | 21/12/2021 |
6. | Celebration of National Youth Day | 12/1/2022 |
7. | 7-day workshop on “Hands on Training on PCB Design” | 23-30/03/2022 |
8. | EDT cricket tournament | 03/04/2022 |
9. | Technical Quiz competition | 25-27/6/2022 |
GENESIS-Student society installation reportThe Annual installation function Ethereal of GENESIS- student society of EDT department was organized on 21st September, 2021. The installation was organized online on Google meet platform due to the pandemic situation. Dr. Amol Bhondekar, Scientist-F, Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh was the chief guest on this occasion. The program then followed by key note speech by Mr. Dr. Amol Bhondekar. He shared the struggle he faced in the beginning of his career. In his message to the students, he advised all the students to give priority to good mental and physical health which intern gives good wealth and bright future. Dr. (Mrs.) A.A Khurshid, HOD, EDT in her address redefined the meaning of PhD as Passion, Hunger for knowledge and Discipline in the life make once career as successful. She also encouraged the students to take part in various intra and Inter collegiate events and to use the platform of Genesis for overall personality development.
On this occasion departments magazine Exorior-The rise of EDTians was launched by the hands of honorable chief guest.
ORIENTATION PROGRAM for newly joined 3rd semester students
Bio-GENESIS- the student society of department of EDT & Biomedical Engineering has organized online orientation program for newly joined 3rd semester EDT students on 10/12/2021. The objective of this program was to make the newly joined students aware about teaching learning process, various activities carried out in the department.
In the beginning Dr.(Mrs.) J.P.Kalambe, Head of the department introduced all the faculty members of the department and then discussed about the teaching learning process, various academic , co-curricular and extracurricular activities usually conducted in the department and at institute level. She also discussed the avenues and opportunities available to the students for their academic and professional enrichment through centre of excellence, incubation and entrepreneurship cells.
Then Prof. (Mrs.) Anju Gupta explained about major, minor and honors scheme of curriculum, method of examination and about NPTEL courses. She encouraged the students to enroll for the major and minor specialisation which help them to enhance employability, take part in online courses and summer /winter internship at IITs /NITs and various research organisations. Prof. Jitendra Zalke discussed about the expectations of various companies coming to the campus for placement and how to upgrade the employability skills. He also made the students aware about aptitude preparation, communication skill, cycomatric test, coding test etc. He urged the students to work hard and build strong resume before appearing for the placement by taking part in various professional and skill based courses.
Dr. J.A.Shrawankar has introduce the activities conducted under student society and encouraged the students to get benefit of this platform for their overall development.
Sarthak Sriwastawa, President Bio-GENESIS and other student members present on the occasion interacted with the junior students. Ayushi Pedulwar final year student conducted the proceeding of the event.

The workshop was organized by Biogenesis-student society department of biomedical engineering and successfully conducted by 3rd and 4th year students. Workshop was put forth for 2nd year Biomedical engineering students to make them familiar with fundamental electronic components and Arduino including a mini-project. They were given time to brainstorm the topics and identify the applicable components and sensors. Later on one member of every group was asked to explained their topics and idea of implementation. Their mentors helped them to execute the ideas and to get the components. Later mentors and faculty took a feedback session for the students present. Although there were positive responses but students requested for more such workshops and for longer time period.

REPORT ON 7-day workshop- “Hands on Training on PCB Design”
Biogenesis-student society department of Biomedical engineering and EDT successfully conducted seven days in house workshop on Hands on Training on PCB Design. Workshop was put forth for 2nd year Biomedical engineering students to make them familiar with process of PCB design including few mini-project. The Objectives of the workshop was to make the students understand selection of electronic components, preparing basic circuits layout using Orcad, preparing MNL files and editing with Layout Plus software. Prof.Jitendra Zalke and Prof Anju Gupta were the instructor during the workshop and explained all the theoretical and practical details about the softwares normally used in the process of PCB making. They have also introduced the facilities and process of PCB fabrication in the laboratoty.
Student team from final year, Ashish Tripathi, Priyanka Maske and Shivkumar Yadav worked hard in coordinating the workshop. They helped all the participants throughout the workshop in providing the help in hands on sessions and solving their real time queries.

Biogenesis- 3 Days quiz competition was organized by Biogenesis-student society of department of biomedical engineering with the objective to interact with each other and inculcate basic engineering concepts in the students. The three days includes 3 different rounds held from 25th to 27th June at 3 P.M. to 5 P.M.
First day was a technical round held on 25th June. The qualified students were eligible for next round which included basic aptitude questions, further on this basis the selected students were divided in 4 different teams named as Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin which is followed by third round. The third round included treasure hunt and buzzer rounds and the winner was Gryffindor group. The wining and participation certificates were provided to the students by the committee members.
Quiz was well-structured and meaningfully planned for proper understanding of students. The whole team involved in this workshop has active participation in making this session more enjoyable and enthusiastic.

Electronics Design Premier League (EDPL)
Electronics Design Premier League was organized by the Genesis Student Society of Department of Electronics Design Technology on 3rd April 2022 Sunday. The objective of this event was to provide an opportunity to all the students to showcase their sport talent and to organize the event. Before the event, on 19th March, 2022 final year students conducted the formal auction of the various teams. The players of each team were chosen by conducting the auction. On the match day i.e., 3rd April 2022, 4 teams qualified for the semi-finals and from the semi-finals 2 teams were shortlisted to play the finals of EDPL. The events witnessed the participation from all the classes. It was a very good platform wherein students from 2nd, 3rd and final year got an opportunity to interact and express themselves.
(B) Guest Lectures OrganizedMr. | Date | Name and affiliation of the expert/speaker | Topic |
1. | 21/9/2021 | Guest Lecture by Dr. Amol Bhondekar, Scientist-F, Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh | Deciding the road map of our life |
2. | 21/12/2021 | Mr. Satish Gadekar, Consulting Director, Cognizant, USA | Developing Career Path |
3. | 24/12/2021 | Dr. Anant C. Fulse , Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy , NKPSIMS and RC Nagpur | Expert talk on Anatomy of Spinal Cord |
4. | 17/2/2022 | Prof Akanksha Deshpande, Asstt. Prof. Humanities Dept. RCOEM, Nagpur | Group Discussion |
5. | 3/3/2022 | Dr.Pratishruti Singh Agrawal, Asstt. Prof. Humanities Dept. RCOEM, Nagpur | Guidance for Resume writing and Presentation Skills |
6. | 10/6/2022 | Mrs.Swati Naidu, EBSCO | Soft Skill Development |
7. | 23/3/2022 | Ms. Sonal Mishra,Staff Consultant,Oracle ,Pune | Career in IT companies |
8. | 28/3/2022 | Mr. Akshay Kekare | IOT applications in Agriculture |
9. | 21/6/2022 | Dr. Amit Anurag, HOD Physical Education Department , RCOEM Nagpur | The importance of yoga |
S.No. | Name of Activity | Date |
1. | Orientation of newly joined 3rd semester students | 8/8/2020 |
2. | Webinar on “ Recent trends in Microcontroller & IOT” by Mr.Rajendra Khope | 12/9/2020 |
3. | Interactive Webinar on “The Science of YOGA” by Dr. Ravindra Kshirsagar | 15/10/2020 |
4. | Webinar on “ Robotics in Healthcare” by Mrs. Shreya Bokare | 17/10/2020 |
5. | Technical talk on “ BioMedical Engineering: An exciting Career Opportunities Connecting Engineering & Technology with Medicine” by Dr.Sumit Raurale, | 27/10/2020 |
6. | Formal Installation of student society | 29/10/2020 |
7. | Celebration of National Youth Day By Mr Rajesh Padmar, Academician and Social Activist, Bengaluru | 11/1/2021 |
8. | Online Quiz competition | 13& 14/01/2021 |
9. | Webinar on “ How our diet impacts climate change” by Mr. Akash Tiwari , Youth Outreach Co-ordinator for PETA India. | 16/1/2021 |
10. | Food packet distribution to housekeeping staff –frontline worker during COVID. | 30/6/2021 |
Report of guest lecture on “The Science of YOGA”
An interactive webinar on “The science of yoga” was jointly organised by the Department of Electronics Design Technology and the department of Electronics Engineering on 15th October 2020. Dr.Ravindra Kshirsagar, MBBS, MD, MSc (yoga therapy) and currently working as general physician at Lata Mangeshkar Hospital , Hingna ,Nagpur was the invited guest on the occasion. The session was organised for the students and faculty to introduce them about scientific aspects of the yoga and its benefits.
During the session Dr. Kshirsagar, started with the basic meaning of Yoga and stressed that yoga is neither a magic nor a rope trick nor it is only Asanas and pranayama, it is much more than that. He quoted the examples in the life of Swami Vivekananda. He added that yoga can connect individual self and universal self together. He has also discussed Patanjali yoga sutras that are 4000 years old. According to Patanjali yoga it is a conscious process of getting mastery over mind and then the self establishes himself in the casual state.
As it was an interactive webinar, many students and faculties asked their queries about the yoga and its practicing methods.
More than 55 students and faculty members from both the branches were benefited from the session. The vote of thanks was given by Prof. Snehal Laddha.

Report of Webinar on NATIONAL YOUTH DAY
Every year 12th January is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand and National Youth Day in India. Swami Vivekanand had always strongly believed in youth and the importance of youth power towards nation building and universal brotherhood. In order to create awareness amongst the students regarding the ethics and power of youth in the society a webinar on “Relevance of Swami Vivekananda for Youth” was organised on 11th January 2021 by Genesis and Electrolitz Student Society. Prof. Rajesh Padmar, a lecturer by Profession, Social Activist and Social media enthusiast, Bengaluru was the speaker for this Motivational talk.
After the guest speaker was introduced by Ms. Ritika Rathi, Prof. Padmar talked about Swami Vivekananda’s lifestyle and his motto of “Service and Sacrifice”, attraction of Swami Vivekanand towards youth and inspiration that could be taken from one of the greatest youth icon of the country. What should it mean to celebrate National Youths day and the difference a youth can make by its sheer intellect and power in the society was elaborated by Prof. Padmar in the session. He motivated youngsters to rise above me and myself and contribute for social causes.
The webinar was attended by the Electrolitz and Genesis members and was compered by Ms. Priyanka Maske whereas Mr. Ayush Agarwal proposed the vote of thanks

Report of Online Technical Quiz 2021 “Technophilia”
An online Technical Quiz Contest, “Technophilia” was organised by GENESIS-student society of the Department of Electronics Design Technology in association with IEEE student chapter on 13th and 14th of January 2021.The aim of this technical contest was to enhance the analytical and latest technical knowledge of the students. 48 Students from various institutions of Vidarbha region participated in this technical event.
The event was comprised of three Rounds. Round 1 took place on 13th January and Round 2 and 3 on 14th January. In this, Round 1 was Quizzard which was carried out on online Google Form. There were 30 questions to be solved in 20 minutes. In total 15 participants were qualified to the second Round.
Round 2 was Mind Scribblers, in this the participants were given 10 minutes to solve 10 Aptitude based questions which were conducted in Google Form. Five participants who scored maximum marks in the time limit were qualified to the third round.
Round 3 was the Rapid Fire which was conducted on Google Meet. Total 15 questions were asked on the topics like Basic Electronics, Analytical Analysis, Logical Reasoning, IOT and cloud computing, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. From this Final Round three winners were finalised. They were:
First Place: Ayush Agarwal (RCOEM)
Second Place: Abhishek Shahu (RCOEM)
Third Place: Prajwal Singh (RCOEM)
All of the finalists were awarded with e- certificates.

B.Guest Lectures:
S. No. | Date | Name and affiliation of the expert/speaker | Topic |
1. | 12/9/2020 | Mr. Rajendra Khope Founder/CEO , ioCare, Pune | Recent Trends in Microcontrollers & Internet of Things |
2. | 15/10/2020 | Dr. Ravindra Kshirsagar, MBBS, MD, MSc (yoga therapy) General physician at Lata Mangeshkar Hospital , Hingna ,Nagpur | The Science of YOGA |
3. | 17/10/2020 | Mrs. Shreya Bokare, Principal Technical Officer, CDAC Mumbai | Robotics in Health care |
4. | 27/10/2020 | Dr.Sumit Raurale, Post Doctoral Researcher in Physiological data analysis and Machine/Deep learning, Cork, Munster, Ireland | BioMedical Engineering: An exciting Career Opportunities Connecting Engineering & Technology with Medicine |
5. | 29/10/2020 | Mr. Manoj Singh, CEO & MD, DIVLABS Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi | Opportunities in BioMedical Engineering |
6. | 16/1/2021 | Mr. Akash Tiwari , Youth Outreach Co-ordinator for PETA India. | How our diet impacts climate change |
7. | 16/1/2021 | Mr. Akshay Poshattiwar, Staff Engineer in Samsung Semiconductor India | ASIC design flow |
8. | 13/2/2021 | Mr. Sarthak Kelapure, Master thesis student at Thales Alenia Space University of Stuttgart, Germany | Study options and Career opportunities in Europe |
9. | 18/2/2021 | Mr. Anish Goel, Embedded Software Engineer, ODS Medical Inc., Montreal Canada | Study and Career opportunities in Canada |
10. | 20& 27/3/2021 | Dr.Pratishruti Singh Agrawal, Asstt. Prof. Humanities Dept. RCOEM, Nagpur | Guidance for Resume writing and Presentation Skills |
11. | 10/4/2021 | Dr. Deepshikha Mehra, HOD, Humanities Dept. RCOEM, Nagpur | Guidance for Interview Skills |
12. | 10/6/2021 | Mr.Saurabh Gupta, Technical Head, Ugam Solutions a Markle Company ,USA | Road map to crack AWS certification Exam |

C) Parent Teacher Meet:
Department of Electronics Design Technology has organized online parent teacher meet on 20thMarch, 2021. The meet was arranged on the Google meet platform the link of which was shared with the parents through the official student’s WhatApp group in advance.
In the beginning Prof. Anju Gupta, faculty Incharge, welcomed all the parents and communicated the aim and objectives of the meeting. Dr. (Mrs.) A.A. Khurshid, Head of the Department, thanked and appreciated all the parents for their cooperation and support during this pandemic situation. In her address she has explained the efforts taken by the faculty to conduct the online classes, laboratory sessions and efforts towards student’s placement. Some of the queries by the parents regarding examination schedule and mode of examination were also answered by head of the department. After the address by head of the department, parents have interacted with the class teachers telephonically. During this interaction attendance and test performance shared with the parents.

Session 2019-20
Session 2018-19
A) Department organized one week AICTE -ISTE Sponsored Induction / Refresher Program
One week AICTE -ISTE Sponsored Induction / Refresher Program. On “Virtual Simulation Environment for Communication and Embedded System Design (VSECESD)”, was organized by Dept of Electronics Design Technology, RCOEM, and Nagpur from 26th NOV – 1 st DEC 2018. Department has received a grant of Rs.3 lakh for conduction of Program from AICTE/ISTE.The program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of Inaugural Session Dr. K.D. Kulat, Professor, VNIT Nagpur and Guest of honor Dr. R.S. Pande, Principal RCOEM, Nagpur.
The course was attended by the faculty members from various states of India and from reputed organizations. The Induction / Refresher Program on “Virtual Simulation Environment for Communication and Embedded System Design (VSECESD)” provided all the necessary and important aspects needed for design of Communication and embedded system in a virtual environment theoretically as well as practically. Participants provided a hands-on training on a suitable environment to extend, improve, integrate, refine, and assist the learning and/or experimentation process of many subjects. This enabled the participant increase the effectiveness of scientific research and widening the use of scarce or costly equipments using virtual environment for design of communication and Embedded System. For Communication System Design the hands-on-training will be provided on GNU- SDR. Design of Embedded Systems will be in Proteus VSM software tool.

B) Breadboard Maze:
Department of Electronics Design Technology has organized “Breadboard Maze” under Technovision 11.0-A national level technical festival @ RCOEM on 24th and 25th August, 2018. The aim of this technical design contest is to enhance the analytical and design knowledge of the students. 149 Students from various institutions of Nagpur region has participated in this technical event.
Mr. Shubham Raikwar student Incharge of the event and his team has made great effort to mark the success under the guidance of Prof. Jitendra Zalke who was teacher In-charge of Breadboard Maze. All the participants well appreciated the organization of event and team efforts taken by Breadboard Maze committee members. The success of this event has added star to the Department of Electronics Design Technology.

C) Industrial Visit:
An Industrial site visit to Raymonds Limited, Sausar, Chhindwara, MP was organized by the Department of Electronics Design Technology on 9th February, 2019. A group of 26 students got an opportunity to visit the various sections like raw material godown , wool scouring section , gray combing section , colour dying section , spinning section , weaving section , finishing section etc. It helps them to learn the basics of making of fabric from raw wool at the factory site. The students were accompanied by faculty members Dr. J.A. Shrawankar and Prof.(Mrs) Anju Gupta.
This visit helped our students to see practically the working of various sections of the factory, the work necessity and work understanding between the intermediate sections, and working challenges. All together it was a very good experience which enhanced the practical awareness among the students and helps in better understanding the theoretical aspects of the courses they learn.

6th semester students with Dr.J.A.Shrawankar and Prof. Anju Gupta in front of Raymonds Ltd.
D) Guest Lectures:
• Mr. A.R.Sawatkar, retired general manager, BSNL, Nagpur delivered technical talk on “Wireless Communication” on 26th September, 2018. He has explained the fundamentals of mobile communication, survey of various wireless systems and the modern upcoming wireless systems. This expert talk was well appreciated by the student audience.
• A guest lecture by Dr.Prashant Kadu, Founder President, Centre for creativity and Innovations Nagpur was organized on 22nd October, 2018. The topic if this lecture was Drone Technology and opportunities for the budding engineers. He has explained the design and working of drone for various applications. Dr.Prashant Kadu has also demonstrated the functioning of drone for the agriculture application. The students got inopportunity to see the
• Guest Lecture by Mr. Nisarg Oswal, Proprieter ,Shivshakti Dal Mill, Wardhaman Nagar Nagpur, on “Entrepreneurship Development” was organised on 23rd February,2019 . 36 students from 4th & 6th semester got an opportunity to interact with the guest.

Mr. A.R. Sawatkar delivering technical talk on Wireless Communication

Dr.Prashant Kadu demonstrating the working of drone

Mr. Nisarg Oswal interacting with the student participants
E) Teacher’s Day Celebration:
Every year teacher’s day is celebrated in the department of Electronics Design Technology to remember the birth day of a great teacher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. This year teacher’s day was celebrated on 8th September, 2018 with full enthusiasm.
Piyush Umathe and Sejal Bajaj was conducting the proceeding of the event. Sejal a students of 5th semester introduced the teacher one by one saying few lines about each teacher in a very special way of shere-e shayari which was highly appreciated by the students present on the occasion. Then the teacher s were offered with a rose flower and a specially designed greeting card which the teachers like it very much. Then all the teachers along with Mr. Shubham Talkhande- students president of Genesis performed the deep and Saraswati poojan with garlands.
Mr. Akshay Sawalkar- a 5th semester student in his speech stress the importance of teacher in everybody’s life by narrating a meaning full story of a kid of King lion in group of deer. Dr.(Mrs.) Rajeshree Raut , in her speech asked the students to work hard with dedication towards achieving the goal. She motivated the students to participate in all the students’ development activities at institute and outside level to raise the flag of the institute and EDT department.
Then teachers were asked to play a game and perform some activities which were very much enjoyed by the audience. Ms. Riddhi Raut-a 3rd semester student expressed the vote of thanks towards all the teachers and students present on the occasion.

Dr. (Mrs.) Rajeshree Raut , HOD, and faculties on the dais

Students attending the programme
F) Parent Teacher Meet:
Parent teacher meet is regularly organized in the department in each semester The aim of this meet is to discuss and review the progress of students with their parents, to make them aware about the teaching learning process, various co curricular and extracurricular activities and to seek their valuable suggestions.
In session 2018-19, Parent teacher meet was organized on 8th September, 2018 during odd semester and 16th February, 2019 during even semester.

Dr.(Mrs.) Rajeshree Raut and Prof. Ruchir Nandanwar interacting with the parents.

Dr.(Mrs.) A.A.Khurshid, HOD EN/EDT and Dr. J.A.Shrawankar interacting with the parents.
G) One day Youth Convention @ Ramkrishna Math, Nagpur
One day Youth Convention was held on 12th February, 2019 at Ramkrishna Math, Nagpur on the occasion of 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s historic speech at Chicago. The convention aims to make aware and motivate the students about contributions made by Swami Vivekanand for nation building. It was a motivating and encouraging experience for our students which teach them social responsibilities and to make our contribution towards the nation building. Around 40 students from 4th and 6th semester EDT participated in a day long event. Dr. J.A.Shrawankar and Mr. Chandramohan Goyal (Sanskrit Teacher) accompanied the students.

Faculty and Students participants in one day Youth Convention @ Ramkrishna Math, Nagpur
Session 2017-18
Industrial Visit
Lokmat Printing Press, Butibori, Nagpur (2017-18)Around 40 students of 3rd year and Final year along with 5 faculty members {Dr. Rajeshree Raut, Dr. Vivek Khetade, Dr. Deepali Kotambkar, Prof. Suvarna Gosavi and Prof. Avinash Maurya} went on an industrial visit to “Lokmat Printing Press, Butibori” on 23rd February 2018.
Students were introduced to the officials, they briefly explained students about different colour combinations used in printing, the roll of aluminium sheets, water, oil was explained. Just then Students had seen the practical demonstration of ‘newspaper editing and laser printing technique over aluminium sheet’. Through the point of view of Electronics They explained some recent techniques and part of laser printing machine. Later students had seen how the newspaper printed from a huge round bundle to bunch of newspaper. Various processes were going on 6 towers simultaneously. The sheet of paper inserted first, printed with different colors, folded, cut in proper manner and then packed in the bunch of 500 to supply properly. The process was too fast and non- stop for day and night and almost 45,000 copies per hour was the printing rate told by the officials.
The whole industry was running on a solar plant which occupied a huge area of (24*9) sections of solar. The officials explained how they use transformer to convert that energy into electrical energy and how they are providing the excess energy to the government.
Breadboard Maze Event

Department of Electronics Design Technology has organized “Breadboard Maze” under Pratishruti 2018 on 26th February 2018, a technical design contest to enhance the analytical and design knowledge of the students. Students from various institutions of Nagpur region has participated in this technical event to make the overall participation count over 100. This event mark a great success under the guidance of Dr. R. D. Raut whose continuous guidance and enthusiasm added star to this event. Invited guest for this event was Mr. Ajinkya Saraf whose inaugural speech about learning engineering with example really motivated the students. Mr. Shubham Warade who was the technical head for the event has made great effort to mark the success under the guidance of Prof. Smith Khare who was teacher In-charge of Breadboard Maze. With overall contribution and efforts from all the facilities Breadboard Maze has added star to the Department of Electronics Design Technology.
Guest Lectures

- A Guest Lecture on “Opportunities of Job and Internship in Automation Industries” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 17th February 2018. Mr. Jayant Paranjape, Owner, Rutam Technocrafts, Nagpur was cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. He interacted with the students of Second and Third year on Job opportunities and internship in automation industries. He also focused on recent trends in automation industries and new problems encountered in automation of industry. He made aware all the students about the preparations which are required for automation industries. In all 48 students were present from second and third year.
- A Guest Lecture on “Career Prospects” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 30th October 2017. Mr. Pravesh Bansal, Jio Infocomm was cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. He interacted with the students of Final Year on Career Prospectus and overall development of the students profile for industrial exposure. He focused on post student life vision and opportunities in telecommunication field for the students.

A Guest Lecture on “Orientation for Entrepreneurship and startup” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 6th September 2017. Mr. Ankur Dawane, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development was cordially invited as Expert for this Programme.- A Guest Lecture on “Identifying, Analyzing and Solving the Problems encountered in Industrial Application” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 8th September 2017. Mr. Tushar Dabhe, proud Alumni of 1993 Batch of EDT were cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. He is a Telecommunication Principal Consultant in SAP, Bangalore. He focussed on the identification of problems and solving the problems to provide some industrial application that can be turned into end product for consumers. He also put light on turning the ideas to develop projects and opportunities for internship out of that idea. Students from final year and third year were present for the guest lecture.
- A Guest Lecture on “Identification of Companies and Opportunities of Internship for the students of EDT Department” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 8th September 2017. Mr. Rahul Raghuwanshi, proud Alumni of 1994 Batch of EDT were cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. He is a Telecommunication Manager Operations in Mahindra Logistics, Mumbai. His topic of talk was to identify the opportunities and relevant companies for student internship. He focussed on problem identification in the electronics field and then searching the appropriate companies to have the solution on decided problem. He also put light on pathways for getting the internship in various government sectors. Students from final year and third year were present for the guest lecture.
- A Guest Lecture on “Challenges during the interviews” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 28th August 2017. Mr. Jitendra Dewangan and Mr. Aditya Lutade, proud Alumni of 2017 Batch of EDT were cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. They focussed on the challenges faced by the students during the interview and its solution. Students from final year and third year were present for the guest lecture.
- A Guest Lecture on “How to prepare for Campus Placements” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 23rd August 2017. Mr. Akash Umap, Associate Consultant, Capgemini, proud Alumni of 2014 Batch of EDT was cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. He has two years experience in Infosys and currently working as associate consultant at Capgemini. Students from final year were present for the guest lecture.
- A technical event was organized on “Hands-on and Learning Possibilities of SDR and DSP trainer” by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 15th July 2017. Mr. Aniket Joshi, Product Developer, Akademika, Mumbai was cordially invited as Expert for this Programme. He explored the hands on experiment of various modules of Software Define Radio (SDR) and DSP trainer kit. In addition to this he also put light on learning possibilities in the field of wireless communication, antenna development and signal processing for developing the projects. The session was actively attended by all the faculties of EDT Department and students of final year.
Session 2016-17
Department organized STTP on ESD-VSE
A short term training program on Embedded System Design with Virtual Simulation Environment was organized by Dept of Electronics Design Technology, RCOEM, Nagpur. The prime objective of the program was to make professionals acquainted with application design with controllers in virtual environment. This STTP received enthusiastic participation from faculties of various colleges from all over Maharashtra.. There were very good theory and practical sessions by the experts from VNIT, Nagpur and other institutes.
Inauguration Function of STTP on ESD-VSE
Dr. Ashwin Kothari, VNIT Nagpur Delivering lecture on Embedded System Design
Group Photograph of STTP organizers and participants
Guest Lectures
The Department has arranged various guest lectures for the students. The lectures are delivered by industry experts and alumni of the department. In 2015-16 following guest lectures are organized by the department
- Guest lecture on “How to Win the Market” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 23rd July 2016. Mr. Akhil Kasturkar the Director, Regalia Paints was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.

- A guest lecture on “How to Handle Interview” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 6th Aug. 2016. Mr. Saurav A Roy Senior – Lead HR Infocepts, Nagpur was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.
- A guest lecture on “Importance of Solar Energy and New opportunities” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 8th Oct. 2016. Mr. Ashok Aherkar Director – Ashoka Solar And Energy Pvt. Ltd was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.
- A guest lecture on “Opportunities for Electronics Engineer in Industrial Automation” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 8th Oct. 2016. Mr. Nitin Thor Plant Head Renu Electronics, Nagpur was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.
- A Guest Lecture on “Data Management and Information Management” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 25 February 2016. Mr. Raman Parthasarathy, Vice President of Strategy – Product and Business Development, Rivers and Technologies was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.
- A Guest Lecture on “Basics of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 12th December 2015. Prof. Karthik Argulwar from Department of Telecommunication, D.Y.Patil School of Engineering Academy, Talegaon, Pune, was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.
- EDT alumni Mr. Aditya Bankar delivered guest lecture on “Digital Electronics and its Implementation” on 12/12/2015.
- A guest lecture on “Energy conservation and Renewable energy sources” was arranged by Department of Electronics Design Technology on 01/08/2015.“Mr. Ashok Manwatkar Dy. Director and sub Regional officer, PCRA, Nagpur” was cordially invited as Expert Faculty for this Programme.

In this ever-changing world outside, technology plays a vital role. The science remains same but the technology change, with this change, the young minds have started to achieve different milestones through our curriculum, continuous guidance of faculties and last but not the least students’ efforts to grab these technical hands opportunities. Department of Electronics Design Technology is very much focused to provide best ever facilities and opportunities to groom student’s overall attitude along with technical abilities. Making the brains run on a treadmill is a good way to bring them in the right shape. Thus the visualization of theoretical concepts that could run in practical to run an industry is the best way to do so. With this view in mind our Department of Electronics Design Technology have tradition to organize Industrial Visit to Industries under GENESIS Student society of Electronics Design Technology Department. Having this view in mind The department of Electronics Design Technology, Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur had organized an Industrial visit to Bharat Plastic Industries, Hingna(MIDC), Nagpur on 07th January 2017 for Fourth Semester (Second year) and sixth semester(Third year) Students of EDT department. The visit was organized with the prior permission and guidance of HOD of EDT Department Prof. (Mrs.) R.R. Harkare and Officials from Bharat Plastics along with the staff members and students of EDT Department.

Bharat Plastic Industries was established at 60/2 & 61/2, Sharma Industrial Estate, Hingna Road, Nagpur – 440028, Maharashtra, India in the year 1988. Currently Mr. Vaibhav Dhondrikar (Executive Director) is looking after working of bharat plastic industries. In an around 40 People works in Bharat plastic Manufacturing unit at Hingna road MIDC Nagpur. It manufactures different plastic products like Plastic bottles, Jars, Water bottles, plastic plats etc. The major clients are Haldiram Nagpur, Kapoor Manufacturers, Juice manufacturing Industries, Packaged Drinking water suppliers. Etc
Under the continuous guidance of Prof.Udayan Patankar, Prof. Ruchir Nandanwar class in charges of 4th semester and 6th semester,Prof. Prajakta Wasekar, Prof. Sandeep Tiwari and students of Electronics Design Technology (4th semester and 6th semester) visited the Bharat Plastic manufacturing plant in Hingna road MIDC Nagpur. Company visit was divided into two sections to give a detail view of Injection moulding Process and Blow moulding Process. During visit student understands the process of manufacturing plastics utensils from Polypropylene (PP) and PET Material. It was a good experience to visit the manufacturing unit which has provided exposure to students of third year. The students are benefited in terms of the technical details provided by the company on an important part of Product manufacturing by Company.

Total 58 students of fourth and sixth semester, B.E. (EDT) along with faculty members have successfully completed the visit at Bharat Plastic Industries.
INDUSTRIAL VISIT TO VYANKATESH TRANSFORMERS, HINGNA MIDC, NAGPUR.The department of Electronics Design Technology, Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur organized an Industrial visit to Vyankatesh Transformers Pvt.Ltd., Hingna(MIDC) on 25th of July 2015 for fifth semester(Third year) B.E Electronics Design Technology students

Alumna Mentoring Scheme / Alumni/Industry Student Mentoring
The unique activity of the department is to provide an easy way to interact with EDT Alumni through Video Conferencing, Guest Lectures, etc.
The alumni in the industry act as mentors for the EDT students by having interaction with them.
Sr.No | Date | Name & affiliation of the expert/speaker | Topic | Faculty Coordinator |
1 | 4/09/2015 | Ms. Rupali Lunani | Latest Embedded Systems | Prof. Anju Gupta |
2 | 26/02/2016 | Mr. Vasant Agrawal | Digital System Design and Verfication | Prof. Anuradha Verma |
Alumna Mentoring Scheme / Student Interaction with Industry Alumni Mentor ( Mr. Vasant Agrawal)Training and Workshops
Workshop on “Embedded System Design and Simulation”:-
The department of Electronics Design Technology organized a workshop on “Embedded System Design and Simulation” from 24th August 2015 to 28th August 2015 for students of 3rd Semester B.E. Electronics Design Technology. The objective of this workshop was to create awareness about embedded system amongst students and make them capable to participate in competitions like TechFest, Technovision conducted by reputed Institutions like IIT, IISc Etc.
Robotics Workshop “Autotronixs”
The department of Electronics Design Technology, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, organized Robotics Workshop “AutoTronix” On 4th September 2015.
The name “AutoTronix” itself suggests that it’s a combination on Automation and Electronic System. As we all know that we are living in a competitive world and where we need to be updated and clear at the basics. Looking into the fact that, an electronics engineer has to face many challenges in making automated solutions in Robotics. Looking into this, training program has been designed to give a very brief overview of different parts of Automation in Robotics .The primary goal of this course is to provide a platform to all Aspiring Engineers to work on their Ideas.
Students working with Electronic Circuits in Embedded System Design and Simulation Workshop
Students working with Electronic Circuits in Embedded System Design and Simulation Workshop
Students working with the Electronics Circuit in Autotronix Workshop
Students working with the Electronics Circuit in Autotronix Workshop
Induction program
The department of Electronics Design Technology organized an Induction Training Program from 20th July 2015 to 25th July 2015 for students of 3rd Semester B.E. Electronics Design Technology All Faculty members of Electronics Design Technology were involved in successful conduction of this training program . Students were given complete idea about the Branch along with the insight about different aspects of Design Engineering and information about the eminent alumni of EDT. In first part of induction program, all faculties of EDT Department interacted with all students and shared their experience; in later part of induction program, students were taken to PCB Design Lab where they have undergone hands on training.