GENESIS – The Student Society of Electronics Design Technology Department
In this ever-changing world, outside, technology plays vital role. The science remains same but the technology changed. With this change, the young minds have started to achieve different milestones through our curriculum, continuous guidance of faculties and last but not the least students’ efforts to grab these technical hands opportunities. Department of Electronics Design Technology is very much focused to provide best ever facilities and opportunities to groom student’s overall attitude along with technical abilities. Making the brains run on a treadmill is a good way to bring them in the right shape. Competition is the best way possible to objectify the statement. With this view in mind our Department of Electronics Design Technology have tradition to organize GENESIS Students society Installation Function to provide a very good platform to showcase students’ ability and encourage them to improve their knowledge. This society is formed by the 2nd 3rd and 4th year students of EDT Dept. Under this society name we conduct different workshops, training activities, technical and Non technical events, various competitions, etc. Such type of organizing platform gives them a better way to enhance their soft skills, administrative and management skills.Under the heading of GENESIS we Provide a better platform to the students participate in different technical competitions organized by different colleges like IIT Bombay, Kharagpur and VNIT Nagpur etc.
GENESIS-Student society installation 2020-21
The Annual installation function Ethereal of GENESIS- student society of EDT department was organized on 29thOctober, 2020. It was the first time in the history of Genesis, that the installation was organized online due to the pandemic situation. The function was on Google meet platform. Mr. Manoj Singh , CEO & MD, DIVLABS Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi was the chief guest on this occasion.
Dr. J.A.Shrawankar, Genesis faculty in-charge introduced the chief guest to the audience. The program then followed by key note speech by Mr. Manoj Singh. During his talk he discussed the various avenues and opportunities in the field of Healthcare and told the students about his company Divlabs Pvt Ltd. He guided the students about the healthcare industries and what are the recent trends and developments taking place in that and how the engineering is involved to make things possible. In his talk he also stressed upon developing the positive attitude among the students and has given useful tips for becoming successful in placements and and how to develop the right attitude. His talk was highly appreciated by the faculties and the students present during the program.
It was all together a very good team work seen among the students which was appreciated by everyone. Even during this tough pandemic situation, the event was organized online and all the students worked whole heartedly to make this event a grand success.
Mr. Manoj Singh , CEO & MD, DIVLABS Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, interacting with the students
Orientation Program for newly joined 3rd semester EDT students
GENESIS- the student society of department of EDT has organized online orientation program for newly joined 3rd semester EDT students on 8th August, 2020. The objective of this program was to make the newly joined students aware about teaching learning process, various activities carried out in the department.
In the beginning Prof. (Mrs.) Anju Gupta explained about major, minor and honors scheme of curriculum, method of examination and about NPTEL courses. Prof. Ruchir Nandanwar discussed about the expectations of various companies coming to the campus for placement and how to upgrade the employability skills. He also made the students aware about aptitude preparation, communication skill, cycomatric test, coding test etc. Dr. J.A.Shrawankar has introduce the activities conducted under GENESIS-student society and encouraged the students to get benefit of this platform for their overall development.
Dr.(Mrs.) A.A. Khurshid , head of the department , has discussed about the teaching learning process in the department, various academic , co curricular and extracurricular activities usually conducted in the department and at institute level. She also discussed the avenues and opportunities available to the students for their academic and professional enrichment through incubation and entrepreneurship. Dr. (Mrs.) A.A. Khurshid also encouraged the students to enroll for the major and minor specialisation which help them to enhance employability, take part in online courses and summer /winter internship at IITs /NITs and various research organisations. She has also advised the students to work hard and build strong resume before appear for the placement.
This program was quite interactive in nature wherein the students have asked various queries and finally expressed their satisfaction for organising such program.
GENESIS-Student society installation 2019-20
The Annual installation function Ethereal of GENESIS- student society of EDT department was organized on 13thAugust, 2019. Mr. Tushar Sharma , Program Manager , AMD semiconductors Hyderabad was the chief guest on this occasion. He has the professional experience in the field of Electronic design technology and worked in various organizations at different designations.
Mr.Tushar Sharma, in his talk stressed upon developing the positive attitude among the students and has given useful tips for becoming successful in placements and how to develop the right attitude. He also discussed the avenues and opportunities in the field of Electronics Design Engineering and programming. He guided the students about what a company expects from students when they get placed. He also gave various tips to the students regarding placements and how to develop programming skill sets to get good placement.
On this occasion Exorior magazine was released and toppers from the various semesters were felicitated with the hands of chief guest. Mrs. Vaibhavi Barad, Secretary, Genesis proposed the vote of thanks. Cultural night was arranged in the evening in MBA parking where students from all the semesters given amazing music and dance performances. Students showed immense enthusiasm and showcased their other talents by the means of informal installation. It was all together a very good team work sprit seen among the students which was appreciated by everyone.

Release of magazine “Exorior” with the hand of chief guest during installation function
Orientation Program for newly joined 3rd semester EDT students
GENESIS- the student society of department of EDT has organized Orientation Program for newly joined 3rd semester EDT students on 20th July, 2019. The objective of the program was to make students aware about various activities like academic, training and placement, extra and co curricular activities and about the discipline.
Dr.(Mrs.) A.A. Khurshid , head of the department , explained about the teaching learning process in the department, various academic , co curricular and extracurricular activities usually conducted in the department and at institute level. She also discussed the avenues and opportunities available to the students for their academic and professional enrichment through incubation and entrepreneurship platform. Dr.(Mrs.) A.A. Khurshid has also encouraged the students to take part in online courses and summer /winter internship.
Prof. Ruchir Nandanwar has explained about training and placement also he discussed about the expectations of various companies coming to the campus for placement. He explained about the efforts the institute and department is taking to prepare the students for better placement.
All the Genesis student office bearers has coordinated the event successfully.

Electronics Design Premier League (EDPL)
Electronics Design Premier League was organized by the Genesis Student Society of Department of Electronics Design Technology on 9th February 2020. The objective of this event was to provide an opportunity to all the students to showcase their sport talent and to organize the event. It has 6 teams which were playing against each other for the EDPL cup. The 6 teams include New Target, Power Hitter, Sky Force, Black Thunder, Justice Squad, Epic Blaster. The players of each team were chosen by conducting the auction.
On the match day, 4 teams (New Target,Sky Force, Black Thunder, Epic Blaster) qualified for the semi-finals and from the semi-finals we got 2 teams who was going to play the finals of EDPL and those were New Targetand Epic Blaster. At last in the finals New Target defeated Epic Blaster and won the title of EDPL. The events witness the participation from all the classes. It was a very good platform wherein students from 2nd, 3rd and final year got an opportunity to interact and express themselves.

Winning team along with Genesis office bearers
Inauguration of GENESIS Installation 2018-19
The Annual installation function Ethereal of GENESIS- student society of EDT department was organized on 29th September, 2018. Mr. Pritam Shinde was the chief guest on this occasion. He has the professional experience in the field of Electronic design technology and worked in government organization.
The program began with deep poojan and Saraswati vandana. Mr. Shubham Talkahande, President Genesis 2018-19 gave a brief review of the activities conducted in the previous year. He also highlighted the tentative plan of the events planned this year. Dr. (Mrs.) Rajeshree Raut, HOD, EDT in her opening remark, encouraged the students to take part in various intra and Inter collegiate events and to use the platform of Genesis for overall personality development. The Genesis body for the academic year 2018-19 was formally installed and the badges were handed over to the members with the hands of chief guest.
Dr. J.A.Shrawankar Genesis faculty Incharge introduced the chief guest. The programe then followed by key note speech by Mr Pritam Shinde. In his talk he stressed upon developing the positive attitude among the students and has given useful tips for becoming successful in placements and competitive examinations. He also discussed the avenues and opportunities in the field of Social Engineering. He appealed all the students to enhance the skill pertaining to once interest and to be active and participative in all the extra and co curricular activities. His talk was highly appreciated by the faculties and the students present during the program.
On this occasion toppers from the various semesters were felicitated with the hands of chief guest. Mr. Gagan Chandak, Vice precident Genesis proposed the vote of thanks. Cultural night was arranged in the evening in MBA parking where students from all the semesters given amazing music and dance performances. It was all together a very good team work sprit seen among the students which was appreciated by everyone.

Mr. Pritam Shinde addressing the Genesis members during the installation function.
Inauguration of GENESIS Installation 2016-17
Students of EDT Department has conducted GENESIS Student Society Installation Function on 8th October 2016(Session 2016 – 17)

As per the tradition of Department of Electronics Design Technology, under the guidance of Management and beloved Principal Dr.R.S.Pande and Head of Department Prof. (Mrs.) R.R.Harkare this year also department has organised Genesis Installation Program on 8th October 2016. Under this we invited Mr Ashok Aherkar MD Shree Ashoka Solar Pvt. Ltd and Mr. Nitin Thor Plant Head Renu Electronics as the chief guest and guest of guest of honour in Genesis Installation Inaugural function.

Mr Shubham R. Patil president of Genesis Student society 2016 – 17 delivered his Genesis’s Last year report, in his words he gave a brief idea about GENESIS student society of EDT department and how it works for the betterment of students at different levels. As this platform delivers them a golden chance to learn and understand the importance of team work and it gives a vast scope to improve their inherent talents in technical and nontechnical manner. During the conduction of inaugural function, he has given quick information about last year events organized by the genesis society for the students, Student’s achievements and students’ participation at different levels like IIT, Robocon. Etc. And other achievements were the Key points of his presentation. In this Inaugural function, Toppers from All semesters were felicitated by presenting a memento in the auspicious hands of Chief gust and Guest of honour.
The 3rd year & 4th Year students of Electronics Design Technology Department Organized Robotics Competition “AutoTronix 2.0 – Line Follower Competition” on 06 October 2016 under Genesis Student Society. The primary goal of this competition was to provide a platform to all aspiring engineers to work on their ideas. It gives them a chance to showcase their Robots and to solve run time challenges through a healthy competition. Around 30 students of all branches of engineering have participated in the line follower competition with full zeal to make this event successful.

The 3rd year & 4th Year students of Electronics Design Technology Department Organized Circuit Design Contest “BreadoMania” on 06 October 2016 under Genesis Student Society. The primary goal of circuit design competition is to inculcate the habit of implementing their ideas the students presented a good technical skill to tackle with design problem statement. Such types of Design competitions give them a chance showcase their talent and to solve run time challenges through a healthy competition. Around 30 students of all branches of engineering have participated in the line follower competition with full zeal to make this event successful.

Inauguration of GENESIS Installation 2015-16
As per the tradition of Department of Electronics Design Technology, under the guidance of Management and beloved Principal Dr.R.S.Pande and Head of Department Prof. (Mrs.) R.R.Harkare, department has organized Genesis Installation Program on 7th and 8th September 2015 (for session 2015-16). We had invited Mr Amar Akhre, M.D. SAP Control Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur, as a chief guest for Genesis Installation Inaugural function. During this conduction we had organized three technical events based on Circuit designing, Robotics and Technical Quiz. Also students from final year had conducted some interactive session for juniors.